Friday, August 8, 2008

'Those Eyes'

This is for all those men who watch women being eve teased,assaulted or exploited and still choose to stay quiet! I don't know what goes on in your minds when you watch....I just wish that you would someday understand what it feels like to be brought down from "being God's reflection' to Just a 'cheap fun object'!!
I hope some day you would understand....

I felt a shiver run down my spine
When those eyes happened to cross mine
Those eyes that had questions
unspoken,no words
Those eyes that questioned
My inner world

Why didnt I vanish?
Why Didn't I disappear?
Why am I so very often
Caught unaware?
Why did those eyes have to look into mine?
Why did they question
All that was on my mind?

Why am I even thinking about those eyes?
That's their plight!Whats the surprise?!
Manhood,Power,Strength and me
Thats what I want those eyes to see!!

But yet I know they travel deep
Questioning my depth and insecurities
Is that what gives you a high?
My eyes full of tears
When they could have been dry?

You could have stood up and been a real man
Who was willing to try and said I can
Thats True strength,true 'manhood' to me
That in your helplessness
you would be ready to fall with dignity.

But I stood there as I stand now
Those eyes look out and ask why?
Is it so hard to get that I am HUMAN??
Not a Desirable 'OBJECT',But a WOMAN?!

I have no answers,I cant say why
My concience pricks me
But I move on with a sigh
Maybe next time I'll do what I can
Maybe next time.....
I'll try being a MAN!!

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