Monday, October 4, 2010

"They and His ways..."

It's amazing how the good lord
Planned two different lives
Got them to meet at a rafting trip
Maybe to check if they would survive
Through the many months and years
That would come and go
The Lord just showed his brightest smile
When one of them said 'No'

Two somewhat different people
Yet fit perfectly together
Two friends who've roughed it out
In good and stormy weather
Two people who have waited
Till even waiting tired out
Cos when others crossed their minds
They somehow had their doubts

Soon it just dawned on them
That God had the best of plans
That no matter how hard they tried
They'd always end up hand in hand
So the walls fell and love finally got a chance to win
(Well Love had always been there
But somehow it just always got locked in)

Still sinking in the feeling of overwhelm and love
They can't seem to believe, How blessed they really are
A love now known only because of a God who first loved
When undeserving they stood with their eyes looking above
It's hard to comprehend his divine plans and ways
All they know now is this...that...
"Many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash it away.."*

*Song of Solomon 8:7