Friday, June 19, 2009

"To Papa with Love"

'Paapajaan' is what I also call the man
Who's made me to become who I am
As a kid I felt you kneel right beside me
And I always kept that extra chair for you
When I played house in make belief

Mom said I hurt you when I lied
Made me wonder coz I could never see your eyes
The eyes she said that also shed tears
When I did stuff she feared

I never skipped church or sunday school
Coz they said I could learn about you
I sang, I Drew and tried my best at memory verse
All I wanted then was to impress you Papa-'the maker of my universe'

Days passed and your little girl grew
I found others to impress and other dreams to be pursued
I loved you Papa but I had the world waiting
Everything around just so captivating

My heart now was torn between you and a man
All my conversations with you were now about him and our plans
I've got a new cellphone Papa and I wish you had one too
Would help me make sure you heard what all I needed from you

Papa? You there?It's been a while...
I need a hug Papa...I need your warm smile
The man I loved broke my heart
And all these months I blamed you for making my world fall apart
I felt mad and angry that you didnt care
And somedays I just wanted to run back and end the nightmare

I can never make you proud Papa Like I did at sunday school
I'm sorry I've let you down and have been such a fool
I wish I could turn back time and catchup on all that we could have done together
I've missed telling you about all that's been happening..everything! even the weather!

I love you Papa and there's nothing I long for more
To be your little girl and make you proud like before
I'm a lucky girl and you're the best Daddy ever
I don't deserve you and maybe have never
But You're my only Family now and forever!


Jakes said...

As always.. Dil se..
Guess aapke Paapajaan would be real proud to read the poem.

Frost said...

speaks volumes

George said...

oh la la la... you've out done yourself with this one!
i'm impressed

Sudhir said...

just amazing.. :) cool one.. Praise Lord!!!!