Saturday, March 7, 2009

'The Coffee Shop'

I went by to the coffee shop today
Don't drink coffee but still chose to stay
Sat down at my favourite place by the green window pane
The sun rays danced as they fell on my hands
The glass between us,like a jealous lover awaiting his chance
The flower on the table,fresh and beautiful
Made me wonder for a minute,Did God ever get confused?

I sat there lost in myself wondering about the empty chair
I could do with some company,Strike up a conversation maybe
Hmmm.. but what would we talk about?
Life and its monotony??
Naa...Too depressing...usual routine
Travel? relationships?society?
Bet once we start, we'll have a variety
Its amazing how we would switch
one to the other
Leaving some and stretching others furthur
Emotions showing up like enthusiastic volunteers
Maybe for a while we'll let silence set in
Contemplate,retrospect,do some soul searchin
Enjoy the silence, enjoy not having to speak
Just listen to the jukebox play Jimmy Hendrix
Well we could go on,you and I
Conversations are never hard if we try

But I better be off, the sun has almost set
I surely need to work on time management
Yet am glad I stopped by the coffee shop today
Didn't drink coffee but chose to stay

RandoMusing!This is for thee! Thanks for the 'Blog-o-Honour' :P (oblivion)

1 comment:

RandoMusing said...

the chair will be occupied soon...very I count the days, they just seem longer and never ending till I get to the chair..